Scanair Ventilation Systems

Industrial Ventilation Systems are meant to clear the air of solvent vapors, welding fumes, or oil mist. Sometimes, these are set loose into the air once into the ventilation system, but often, there are additional regulations for releasing cleaner air into the environment. Keeping up to date on industrial ventilation regulations in your state will keep you legal and safe. Ventilation Systems  more important in some industries than others, but every industrial company has a set of regulations they must follow for the safety of the employees and the safety and purity of the environment.

Purpose of Ventilation Systems

All industries need ventilation – the exchange of indoor air with outdoor air – to reduce indoor moisture, odors, and other pollutants.  Contaminants such as formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and radon that may cause health problems can accumulate in poorly ventilated industries. Inadequate ventilation allows unpleasant odors to linger. Excess moisture generated within the home needs to be removed before high humidity levels lead to physical damage to the home or mold growth.

Ventilation System Strategies

To ensure adequate ventilation systems, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc.  (ASHRAE) says that the living area of a home should be ventilated at a rate of 0.35 air changes per hour or 15 cubic feet per minute (cfm) per person, whichever is greater.

Spot ventilation systems or the use of localized exhaust fans (e.g., kitchen range and bath fans) to quickly remove pollutants at their source-is an important tool to improve air quality whether natural or whole-house ventilation strategies are used.  Spot ventilation improves the effectiveness of systems by removing pollutants at their source as they are generated and should be an integral part of any whole-house ventilation design.  In addition to its whole-house ventilation requirement. ASHRAE recommends intermittent or continuous ventilation rates for bathrooms and kitchens as alternatives to operable windows:  50 or 20 cfm for bathrooms and 100 or 25 cfm for kitchens, respectively.

Paints are usually a mixture of 45% low solvent-based, 45% high solvent-based paints, and 10% thinners.  The primary factors affecting emissions from paint manufacturing process are the types of solvents used and mixing temperature, Scanair believes that even in well controlled conditions, about 1-3% of the solvent is lost in paint manufacturing process. The emission rate for the uncontrolled manufacturing of paints and varnishes is 15 g/kg of consumed solvent.  The main purpose of present study was to determine the capabilities of implementing well-known ventilation standards (VS) in controlling indoor air pollution from solvents used in a paint manufacturing factory.

Based on this ventilation systems standard, the pressure should be slightly negative in paint mixing hall. For this purpose the exhausted air flow rate must be 5% more than supplied air flow rates (e.g., Q exhaust = 1.05 Q supply).  According to the same standard, supply and exhausted air flow rates are recommended to be 10-12 air change per hour. American society of heating, refrigeration and Air – conditioning engineers  (ASHREA) and US environmental protection agency (USEPA) emphasize on the most possible enclosure of paint manufacturing processes.  An atmosphere of flammable liquid safeguarded against fire and explosion in production halls usually will be kept below 25% of the lower explosive level.

Paint manufacturing factory under study.  Thus, the vapors of these two substances were measured and analyzed with and without the application of implemented ventilation systems. For this purpose, 32 personal air samples were collected from breathing zone of workers using Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) analytical method No.12 before and after the application of ventilation systems.  Few samples were shown invalid during their analysis so the post control samples decreased to 19.


The performance of the implemented ventilation systems future tested.  For this purpose, exhaust flow rates (Q), total pressure (TP), static pressure (SP), and velocity pressure (VP) at different parts of each ventilation system were measured based on HEPA recommendations.  The installed system is not working as designed system. In fact the designed parameters have not been completely established according to ventilation detail design.  These results show that 60%-70% of the designed flow rates were achieved in this project. Unfortunately, the local fan manufacturers are not able to deliver the exact required fans.  However, the difference between design flow rate and measured flow rate are mainly due to this fact and measuring discrepancy.  However, 20% over design was considered during system design, so this difference between designed parameters and real achievements has little impact on final results.

Ventilation Systems Application Areas

Ventilation Systems are widely used in Film Blowing HDPE,LDPE manufacturing factory ,Lamination / Pouch Sealing Machine Location, Pouch Filling Machine Areas, Plasma Spray / Coating Machine areas, Paint manufacturing factory, Spot ventilation, kitchen ventilation, welding area spot ventilation

Ventilation Systems