Dehumidifier removes moisture from the air, thus lowering the humidity. It does this by condensing water onto a cold surface. This is a principle that we have all experienced. When you have an ice cold drink on a hot day, you notice water sweating on the outside of the glass simple word to say remove the moisture from the air is called dehumidification.
Heat pump dehumidifiers extract water from the air by using a heat pump that is similar to an air conditioner. First, a fan pulls the indoor air across a very cold coil, which causes the moisture to condense. The droplets drip into a bucket inside the unit. The dry air is warmed by a second, heated coil and exhausted at room temperature. These dehumidifiers are considered among the most effective.
This is exactly how dehumidifiers work, with a few minor differences to improve the effectiveness. A fan is used to speed up the process. It blows warm air onto cold metal coils, and the resulting water drips into a bucket. The resulting cold air is then passed over warm coils to bring it back to room temperature. Air conditioners work in the same way, but they do not reheat the air before returning it to the room.
Home drying often involves the use of common room dehumidifiers that remove between one and six liters of water per hour. Humid air is cooled as it passes across the condensing coil in the dehumidifier. The vapor drips off the coil and is collected and removed from the room. Air movement is very important to the drying process and the Scanair is the perfect solution for creating that air movement. It moves at an amazing 300 CFM and only requires Single phase of power supply.
Industrial drying often requires removing humidity at a faster rate along with larger amounts of moisture. This can be achieved with commercial dehumidifiers or by heat and air movement. Using heat and raising the temperature 20° allows two times the amount of moisture to be held than at the lower temperature. When this is done in conjunction with air movement moisture can be removed from a process area at a very fast rate. When you have a process area with high humidity it is very important to remove that moisture as soon as possible to prevent mold growth.